The purpose of this project is to join forces to carry out residencies that translate into the formation of sociocultural networks involving stakeholders from different countries. These management residencies are intended to create value and promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences between managers, governmental and non-governmental organizations and cultural project representatives from all over the world.
This is how we will pursue the growth of cultural managers through the exchange of management models and projects, thus ramping up the sector’s productivity, plus an incentive for our professional development and growth.
Field this form if you want to do a Management Residency in Nau Ivanow and we will try to answer in about 2 weeks.
Nacho Tamagno La Parisina de Córdoba (Argentina)
Santiago Off (Chile)
Nau Ivanow with Coté Duran (Espacio Checoeslovaquia, Chile) and Ignacio Tamagno (La Parisina, Argentina)
Brian Calvi (Colòmbia)
Teatro Puerto (Chile)
Santiago Off (Chile)
La Serena, Chile